27th to 29th of July 2025
We want to see youth forge lasting and deep friendships within their church community and without so that they can spur each other on to live faithfully for the Lord Jesus.
We want to nurture the spiritual growth of the youth by providing resources, experiences, and training that will deepen their understanding of the gospel so that they are empowered to boldly live out their faith in utter dependance on the grace of God.
We want to see youth grow to become leaders who serve the Lord Jesus with the humility and compassion of the Lord Jesus.
We want to see youth inspired to be ambassadors of the gospel in every area of their lives.
We want to equip and encourage youth with the skills and confidence to actively engage in winning the world for Christ both locally and globally.
If someone were to ask “what makes you, you?” How would you begin?
It’s a question I think most of us would struggle to answer, but it’s immensely important because the way we understand ourselves shapes every aspect of our life. Over this weekend we're going to explore this topic because we want to avoid two dangers.
The first danger is that we live without an answer to this question, and—like driving without directions—we are left aimless and unsure what our life is all about. The second danger is that we do answer this question, but we get it wrong—and like driving with the wrong directions—we find that what we have been aiming for will leave us lost and lonely.
So come along and dig into what God has to say about the who, what, why, and how of the things that make you, you. In doing so we hope we’ll find the answer more captivating, life-giving, and joyful than we ever thought possible.
Stay tuned for more details in the new year
The biggest difference is that attendees come as part of their church and with their leaders. We want to help the youth and leaders build friendships with other churches but also within your own church.
This conference is for school aged youth in years 10 to 12. But there will be some "youth" who may be 18yo in year 12 and we would love for them to still come but we ask that they attend as a leader rather than a youth.
We want to help you intentionally invest in your youth, therefore each church will provide leaders for their youth.
Church Time is an opportunity for you as a church to do whatever you want. You may decide to play a massive game of soccer against another church or you may decide to go on a walk or to do some more church specific training. The choice is yours!
All people over 18 will need a current WWCC and will fall under you church's safe church policies regardless of their current school year. They will need to sleep in the leaders dorms but they may wish to attend the youth electives. All other activities will be combined youth and leaders.
If you have any questions or concerns please email: youth@pgp.org.au